Strong support for emergency stimulus initiatives in response to COVID-19

But more is needed at both federal and provincial levels

TORONTO, April 3, 2020

Follow the Modus Business Monitor, the B2B omnibus service from Modus Research, as we survey Canadian businesses over the coming weeks and months on their response to COVID-19 outbreak and government initiatives.

Strong support for federal stimulus so far

In this first baseline survey of over 850 Canadian managers and executives (March 25 to 31) Modus found strong support for virtually all of the federal government’s emergency stimulus initiatives.

  • Over three-quarters of Canadian businesses support each of the initiatives announced thus far.
  • Emergency care for self-employed and tax deferral top the list but all initiatives have robust support.

Adequacy of the federal emergency stimulus package

Modus also measured business perceptions of the adequacy of the federal emergency stimulus package to ensuring business survival through the COVID-19 outbreak.

  • Three-quarters of businesses say the stimulus is at least somewhat adequate.
  • Yet business leaders are slightly more likely to say the package is inadequate as say it is adequate.

Ontario leads in provincial government stimulus packages

We also tested performance of provincial governments and it is a similar story, with some regional variation.

  • Overall, provincial governments perform almost identically to the federal government.
  • Ontario leads with fully 85% assessing at least somewhat adequate performance, while Alberta reaches only the two-thirds mark on the same measurement.

About the Modus Business Monitor

These results are from the latest edition of our B2B omnibus – The Modus Business Monitor. For quick and reliable answers from business leaders when you need them, the Monitor is Canada’s only B2B omnibus service. Powered by the Modus Business Panel – the gold standard for B2B research in Canada – this service provides flexible access to business decision-makers.

For more information on this release or to subscribe to the Modus Business Monitor please contact:

Charlie Graves
President, Modus Research
Phone: 1-800-254-6944 x224
Email: CGraves at ModusResearch dot com

About Modus Research

Established in 2012, Modus Research is a full-service research agency that provides clients with actionable feedback from Canadian enterprises based on scientific samples.


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