More than three-quarters of Canadian businesses say federal COVID-19 programs are helping, but fall short of the mark
TORONTO, May 13, 2020
The latest findings from the late April Modus Business Monitor survey of over 950 Canadian managers and executives (April 20 to 30) show a lukewarm response to federal programs.
While the vast majority of Canadian businesses recognize a contribution from the federal government, fewer than 1 in 5 see it getting them across the finish line.
- Enthusiasm is highest in Quebec (32% strong help) and lowest in Alberta (22% little or no help)
It is important to note that this question was asked after a series of in-depth questions about all the federal government’s assistance programs. In other words, government emergency assistance is baked into these projections.
Participation in emergency programs is modest to date with many reporting ineligibility
Participation in various federal emergency programs is fairly low. At its highest level, only 40% of companies have applied or are planning to apply for CEBA. Large numbers report ineligibility across these programs.
- Although many of these programs are targeted to SMEs, only in the case of CEWS do we find a (bare) majority of companies with 10 to 99 employees participating (51%). This is the only program that sees half or more participation for any business subgroup.
- There are substantial levels of ineligibility reported for all programs.
About the Modus Business Monitor
The Modus Business Monitor is Canada’s only B2B omnibus service. For reliable and accurate results without the cost of a custom business survey, the Monitor offers our clients the flexibility they need. Results from the Monitor are based on a scientific sample of Canadian business leaders rather than the common and unrepresentative business surveys circulating today that rely on members of lobby groups or recruiting from the Twitterati.
For more information on this release or the Modus Business Monitor please contact:
Charlie Graves
President, Modus Research
Phone: 1-800-254-6944 x224
Email: cgraves at modusresearch dot com
About Modus Research
Established in 2012, Modus Research is a full-service research agency that provides clients with actionable feedback from Canadian enterprises based on scientific samples. We offer our clients exclusive access to the Modus Business Panel – the gold standard of B2B research in Canada.