
and Ethics

AAPOR is one of the few survey research organizations in the world that maintains integrity and ongoing research around proper survey methodology, including explicit standards around reporting non-probability samples.
Industry-leading Standards

AAPOR is one of the few survey research organizations in the world that maintains integrity and ongoing research around valid survey methodology, including explicit standards around reporting non-probability samples.

Its ground-breaking Task Force on Non-probability Sampling established the firm distinction between probability-based sampling and non-probability sampling. Most other industry associations blur this distinction.

AAPOR is one of the few survey research organizations in the world that maintains integrity and ongoing research around proper survey methodology, including explicit standards around reporting non-probability samples.

“AAPOR has long maintained reporting margin of sampling error with opt-in or self-identified samples is misleading.”

Code of Professional Ethics and Practices

All members of the Modus team are also members of AAPOR. We adhere to AAPOR’s Code of Professional Ethics and Practices.